Treatments & Procedure

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Creating Beautiful Smiles

Procedure Summary

Ceramic braces represent a sophisticated orthodontic solution crafted with tooth-colored or clear brackets and archwires. These braces function similarly to traditional metal braces, applying controlled pressure to reposition teeth. The inconspicuous design of ceramic braces appeals to individuals seeking a discreet yet effective orthodontic treatment.

 Ceramic braces are employed to address a spectrum of orthodontic concerns, including misaligned teeth, spacing issues, overbites, underbites, and other malocclusions. This procedure is ideal for those who desire effective realignment without the visual prominence associated with traditional metal braces.

 Ceramic braces are suitable for a diverse range of orthodontic patients, including teenagers and adults. Individuals with mild to moderate orthodontic issues seeking an aesthetically pleasing solution can benefit from the precision and subtlety of ceramic braces.


Body firming

Benefits of the Procedure:

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: The use of tooth-colored brackets and wires renders ceramic braces significantly less noticeable, catering to individuals seeking a more discreet orthodontic option.
  2. Effectiveness: Ceramic braces offer comparable effectiveness to traditional metal braces, ensuring precise tooth movement and alignment.
  3. Comfort: The smooth, rounded edges of ceramic braces enhance patient comfort during the orthodontic journey.

Steps of the Procedure

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: A comprehensive examination determines the orthodontic needs of the patient, and the suitability of ceramic braces is assessed.
  2. Treatment Planning: A personalized treatment plan is created, outlining the duration and specific adjustments required for the orthodontic journey.
  3. Braces Placement: Ceramic brackets are affixed to the teeth, and arch wires are threaded through them, initiating the controlled tooth movement process.
  4. Adjustments: Periodic adjustments are made during follow-up appointments to fine-tune the pressure and advance the alignment process.
  5. Removal : Upon achieving the desired results, the ceramic braces are carefully removed, and the patient transitions to the retention phase.

Approx. Recovery Time:

The application of ceramic braces may take up to 2 – 3 hours. However, the total duration to keep the braces may vary depending upon the orthodontic condition of the patient and may go up to 6 – 8 months to a year.

Recovery time following ceramic braces is individualized, with mild discomfort and soreness expected, particularly during the initial days and after routine adjustments. Over-the-counter pain relief and orthodontic wax can alleviate any minor irritations.

Embark on your journey to a beautifully aligned smile with ceramic braces at Plaza Clinics Dubai. We employ the region’s leading orthodontic experts to give you the perfect smile. Contact us for a comprehensive consultation and personalized orthodontic solutions tailored to your unique needs.