Treatments & Procedure

Aesthetic & Dermatology

Plastic Surgery

Hair Restoration


For Men


Hair Transplant

The Turkish Expert Approach

Procedure Summary

Plaza Clinics in Dubai welcomes men to experience the pinnacle of hair restoration, highlighting our expertise in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) performed by our skilled Turkish team. This guide will delve into the specifics of FUE treatment, a leading technique in hair transplantation, and how our clinic in Dubai provides unparalleled service in this domain.

Body firming

Understanding FUE Hair Transplantation for Male Hair Loss: FUE is an advanced and highly sought-after hair transplant method. It involves the precise extraction of individual hair follicles from a donor area, typically the back of the head, and then transplanting them to the balding or thinning areas. This technique is renowned for its precision, natural-looking results, and minimally invasive nature.

Specialized FUE Treatment for Men at Plaza Clinics: Our Turkish experts specialize in FUE, tailoring this technique to combat male-pattern baldness. The procedure is meticulously carried out, ensuring each follicular unit is perfectly placed to match your natural hair growth pattern, resulting in a seamless and undetectable finish.

The Benefits of FUE Hair Transplantation: Choosing FUE at Plaza Clinics offers numerous advantages:

  • Minimally Invasive, Scar-Free Procedure: FUE does not involve any stitches or large scars, as each follicle is individually extracted and transplanted.
  • Quick Recovery and Less Discomfort: The minimally invasive nature of FUE results in a quicker recovery period and minimal discomfort post-procedure.
  • High Precision and Natural Results: FUE allows for high precision in hair placement, ensuring a natural-looking hairline and density.
  • Effective for Various Stages of Hair Loss: FUE is versatile and effective, suitable for different patterns and stages of male hair loss.

The FUE Process at Plaza Clinics: Our approach to FUE hair restoration is comprehensive and patient-focused:

  1. Detailed Consultation: We begin with a thorough assessment of your hair loss and discuss your expectations and goals.
  2. Strategic Planning: A personalized FUE treatment plan is crafted, focusing on achieving the most natural and effective results.
  3. Expert Execution by Turkish Specialists: Our team performs the FUE procedure with utmost precision, ensuring each follicular unit is perfectly placed.
  4. Post-Procedure Care and Support: We offer extensive aftercare advice and support, guiding you through the healing process for the best results.

Why Choose Plaza Clinics in Dubai for FUE: Opting for FUE at Plaza Clinics means benefiting from:

  • Renowned Turkish Expertise in Dubai: Our Turkish specialists bring their extensive experience in FUE to Dubai, ensuring top-tier service.
  • State-of-the-Art FUE Techniques: We employ the latest advancements in FUE technology for efficient and successful hair transplantation.
  • Customized Treatments: Every FUE procedure is tailored to the individual, ensuring results that align with your unique hair loss pattern and aesthetic desires.

Transform your appearance and confidence with FUE hair transplantation at Plaza Clinics in Dubai. Our Turkish experts are here to provide you with a world-class experience in hair restoration, utilizing the most advanced FUE techniques. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and embark on your journey to a fuller, more youthful head of hair.