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Breast Lift

Procedure Summary

Mastopexy, commonly known as a breast lift, is a surgical procedure that restores the youthful shape and position of the breasts. With age, gravity, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations, the supporting breast tissue weakens, causing the breasts to sag and lose their youthful fullness. A breast lift addresses these concerns by:

  • Elevating the breast tissue: The surgeon resuspends the breast tissue to a higher position on the chest wall, creating a perkier and more youthful appearance.
  • Reshaping the breast mound: Excess skin and breast tissue are strategically removed to achieve a rounded, natural-looking contour.
  • Repositioning the nipple-areolar complex: The nipple and areola are repositioned to a more central and aesthetically pleasing location.
Body firming

Who is a Candidate for a Breast Lift?

Ideal candidates for a breast lift include women experiencing:

  • Ptosis: Breasts that have sagged and lost their youthful fullness
  • Asymmetry: Uneven breast size or shape
  • Loose, stretched skin: Crepey skin around the breasts and nipple-areolar complex
  • Loss of nipple-areolar complex projection: Nipples facing downwards

Steps of the Breast Lift Procedure:

During the pre-operative consultation, a comprehensive breast examination is conducted and the medical history of the patient is reviewed.

The surgeon then discusses with the patient the desired shape, size, and nipple positioning. Blood tests and mammograms may also be conducted if the surgeon feels the need to perform it.

On the day of the procedure, it starts with the application of general anesthesia on the area that will be operated on for patient comfort. Various incision techniques can be used depending on individual needs and the surgeon’s preference. The excess skin and fat are then removed, and the remaining breast tissue is repositioned and secured to achieve the desired shape and lift. Following it, the nipple-areolar complex is relocated to a more central and aesthetically pleasing position, and the incisions are closed with sutures or staples.

After the procedure is completed, there maybe swelling and bruising around the breasts and chest, which will gradually subside within 2-4 weeks. The stitches or staples are usually removed after 7-10 days of the procedure. Wearing a supportive bra is recommended for 6-8 weeks to promote proper healing and shape retention. Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor progress and address any concerns.

Approximate Downtime:

Most patients return to light activities within a week. Activities that put pressure on the area of the procedure are recommended to be avoided. Final results are evident within 3-6 months as swelling completely resolves.

Reclaiming Your Confidence:

A breast lift can have a profound impact on women, not only physically but also emotionally. Regaining youthful breasts can enhance self-esteem, improve body image, and boost overall confidence, at Plaza Clinics Dubai, we help you identify the best treatment procedure as per your unique needs.