Treatments & Procedure

Aesthetic & Dermatology

Plastic Surgery

Hair Restoration


For Men


Permanent Scalp Pigmentation

Restoring Your Confidence with a Fuller Head of Hair

Procedure Summary

Permanent Scalp Pigmentation (SMP) is an innovative and advanced cosmetic procedure designed to address hair loss by replicating the appearance of a closely shaved scalp. Also known as scalp micropigmentation, this technique involves the application of specialized pigments to the scalp, creating the illusion of natural hair follicles. It is a non-invasive solution that provides a long-lasting and realistic result, offering a renewed sense of confidence and a youthful appearance.

Body firming

Who Can Benefit from SMP?

SMP is an ideal solution for individuals experiencing the below conditions:

  • hair thinning,
  • receding hairlines,
  • or those with full hair loss who seek a low-maintenance and lasting remedy.

Both men and women can benefit from SMP, regardless of the extent of their hair loss. It is a versatile and customizable procedure tailored to individual needs and aesthetic preferences.

Procedure Steps and Timelines:

  • Consultation: Your SMP journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where our expert specialist assesses your hair loss pattern, discusses your expectations, and customizes a treatment plan.
  • Preparation: On the day of the procedure, the scalp is prepared by cleansing and numbing the targeted area to ensure your comfort during the process.
  • Pigmentation Application (Varies – 2 to 4 Hours): Using specialized needles and pigments, the SMP specialist meticulously replicates natural hair follicles on the scalp, creating a seamless and natural-looking result.
  • Immediate Results: Witness immediate results post-procedure, with a defined and fuller appearance on your scalp.
  • Follow-up Session (Varies): Depending on individual needs, a follow-up session may be scheduled to perfect the results and address any concerns.

Approximate Downtime & Cost:

SMP boasts minimal downtime, allowing you to resume regular activities almost immediately. While some redness and mild discomfort may be experienced in the first few days, these effects typically subside rapidly. Clients can expect to see the full and settled results within a few weeks as the pigments integrate with the skin. the cost of this procedure is highly dependent on the areas to be treated, once you consult our hair transplant technician, after assessing your case, you can get a better idea of the cost of the procedure.

At Plaza Clinics Dubai, we take pride in offering a cutting-edge solution for hair loss concerns through our expert procedures. Rediscover your confidence and embrace a revitalized appearance with our advanced Permanent Scalp Pigmentation services in Dubai.