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Breast reduction

Procedure Summary

Breast Reduction, clinically known as Reduction Mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at reshaping and resizing the breasts to achieve a more proportionate and comfortable silhouette. This advanced surgical intervention addresses concerns associated with overly large breasts, such as physical discomfort, back pain, and restricted mobility, providing not only aesthetic benefits but also enhancing overall well-being.

Body firming

Who Can Benefit from Breast Reduction?

Breast Reduction is an ideal option for individuals experiencing physical discomfort or emotional distress due to disproportionately large breasts. Candidates often include those with chronic back, neck, or shoulder pain, skin irritation, and difficulty finding comfortable clothing. Additionally, individuals seeking to improve their overall body contour and restore balance to their figure can benefit significantly from this procedure.

Procedure Steps 

The procedure begins with a thorough consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon. During this session, the medical history of the patient is reviewed, and their expectations and specific concerns will be discussed to customize a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Prior to the surgery, a comprehensive medical evaluation and imaging may be conducted to ensure your suitability for the procedure.

Breast Reduction surgery involves the removal of excess breast tissue, reshaping the breast mound, and repositioning the nipple-areola complex. The technique utilized will depend on the individual’s anatomy and desired outcome.

Approximate Downtime and cost:

Recovery time varies among individuals but generally ranges from one to two weeks. During this period, swelling and bruising will gradually subside, and patients can typically return to light activities. Strenuous exercises and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks, allowing the body to heal effectively.

The cost of the surgery varies, depending on the individual needs. Approximately, the breast reduction surgery may start from AED 20000.

At Plaza Clinics Dubai, we specialize in delivering personalized and comprehensive breast reduction solutions, ensuring not only aesthetic enhancement but also improved physical well-being.