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Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants represent an innovative dental solution designed for individuals with insufficient bone height for traditional implants. These implants are positioned beneath the periosteum, a specialized membrane covering the jawbone. Composed of biocompatible materials, subperiosteal implants provide a stable foundation for artificial teeth.

 The subperiosteal implant procedure is specifically indicated for patients with compromised jawbone height, where conventional implants might not be viable. It serves as a strategic alternative, enabling those with bone resorption issues to benefit from the advantages of implant-supported prosthetics.

Body firming

Benefits of the Procedure:

  1. Bone Height Adaptability: Subperiosteal implants accommodate individuals with inadequate bone height, providing a tailored solution for successful implantation.
  2. Enhanced Stability: The unique placement beneath the periosteum ensures stable anchoring, even in cases of bone height limitations.
  3. Reduced Bone Resorption: By preserving existing bone and avoiding extensive grafting procedures, subperiosteal implants contribute to reduced bone resorption over time.
  4. Customized Prosthetics: The procedure allows for the creation of personalized prosthetics that closely match the natural anatomy of the patient.

Candidates for subperiosteal implant procedures are individuals facing challenges with bone height, making traditional implant placement less feasible. A thorough examination and assessment of oral health by our dental specialists determine the suitability of subperiosteal implants for each patient.

Steps of the Procedure and Approximate Cost in Dubai:

Comprehensive imaging is carried out, including CT scans which help the implantologists in precise planning and design of the subperiosteal implant framework. Impressions are taken to create a model of the jaw which assists in the precise construction of the subperiosteal implant. The subperiosteal implant framework is then crafted to match the patient’s jaw anatomy.

Once the framework is confirmed, the customized subperiosteal implant is surgically positioned beneath the periosteum, ensuring a secure and proper fit. A healing period allows for around 8 to 10 weeks to integrate the implant with the surrounding tissues, promoting stability. After healing, the final prosthetics, such as crowns or bridges, are attached to the subperiosteal implant, completing the restorative process.

Approx. Downtime

The downtime and recovery period following subperiosteal implant placement vary based on individual healing responses, it can go upto 8 – 10 weeks. Mild discomfort and swelling may be experienced initially, with our team providing detailed postoperative care instructions for a smooth recovery.

At Plaza Clinics Dubai, we specialize in delivering innovative subperiosteal implant solutions tailored to individual needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore a personalized approach to restoring your smile with advanced dental care.