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Tooth Extraction

Rediscover Comfort in Your Smile

Procedure Summary

Teeth extraction, also known as dental extraction or exodontia, is a dental procedure involving the removal of one or more teeth from their sockets. This intervention is performed to address various dental concerns and ensure overall oral health.

Body firming

Teeth extraction may be conducted for several reasons, including:

  • Severe Decay: When a tooth is extensively decayed beyond repair.
  • Advanced Gum Disease: Extraction may be necessary if periodontal disease has compromised the tooth’s supporting structures.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Removal of impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth to prevent complications.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: Creating space for orthodontic purposes, often for overcrowded teeth.
  • Preparation for Prosthetics: Extraction may be necessary before fitting dentures or dental implants.

Once any of the above conditions are identified, tooth extraction can benefit you for with the following:

  1. Pain Relief: Extraction eliminates pain associated with severely decayed or infected teeth.
  2. Prevention of Infection: Removal of compromised teeth helps prevent the spread of infection to surrounding teeth and tissues.
  3. Orthodontic Correction: Extraction is a crucial step in orthodontic treatment plans to achieve proper tooth alignment.
  4. Enhanced Overall Oral Health: Extracting problematic teeth contributes to the overall health and function of the remaining teeth.

The procedure of teeth extraction:

A comprehensive examination and discussion is carried out of the patient’s oral health and any concerns they are facing.

Local anesthesia is applied to ensure a pain-free experience during the procedure. The dentist carefully loosens the tooth using specialized instruments and extracts it from its socket. Once the tooth is extracted, gauze is applied to control bleeding, and post-extraction instructions are provided by the dentist.

Recovery and Downtime:

  • Immediate Recovery: Patients can typically resume normal activities soon after the extraction.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Following care instructions, including avoiding certain foods and maintaining oral hygiene.
  • Temporary Discomfort: Mild discomfort or swelling may occur, usually alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication.

Experience the art and precision of teeth extraction in Dubai at Plaza Clinics. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and embark on a journey to optimal oral health and comfort.