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Fissure Sealant

Enhancing Smiles, Preserving Health

Procedure Summary

Fissure Sealants, specially crafted for children, serve as a preventive dental intervention to shield their developing teeth from decay. This procedure entails applying a thin, protective coating—typically a resin-based material—onto the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. These areas, marked by deep grooves and fissures, are prone to plaque accumulation and subsequent cavity formation. Fissure sealants act as a protective barrier, preventing food particles and bacteria from settling in these vulnerable regions. Recommended proactively, they effectively mitigate the risk of dental decay in children.

Body firming

Benefits of Fissure Sealants for Your Child:

Prevention of Dental Decay:

Fissure sealants establish a protective barrier, sealing the deep grooves and fissures where food particles and bacteria commonly accumulate.

Early Intervention:

Administered during a child’s formative dental years, fissure sealants offer an early and proactive approach to dental care.

Painless and Non-Invasive:

The application of fissure sealants is swift and painless, requiring no drilling or removal of tooth structure—an ideal choice for children with concerns about dental treatments.

Cost-Effective Prevention:

Investing in fissure sealants proves to be a cost-effective preventive measure, potentially saving on future expenses related to extensive dental treatments.

Long-Lasting Protection:

Fissure sealants provide durable protection, typically lasting for several years. Regular dental check-ups enable assessment and potential reapplication for continuous safeguarding.

Procedure Steps and Timelines:

The procedure commences with a thorough examination to assess the child’s suitability for fissure sealants. During the consultation, the dentist identifies teeth that may benefit from the treatment. The selected teeth undergo cleaning and preparation for sealant application, which may involve gentle etching to enhance bonding.

The fissure sealant is meticulously applied to the chewing surfaces of the teeth, with a special curing light used to harden the sealant, ensuring optimal adherence.

Approximate Downtime: & Cost:

Fissure sealant application entails minimal downtime, enabling children to resume normal activities immediately. This quick and painless procedure provides long-lasting protection, contributing to overall oral health and the well-being of your child.

The cost of fissure sealant for kids approximately starts at AED 249/teeth

At Plaza Clinics Dubai, we prioritize preventive measures to ensure your child’s dental health. Our fissure sealant procedure is a simple yet effective way to fortify their smiles against cavities. Schedule a consultation today to give your child the gift of a healthy and protected smile.