Treatments & Procedure

Aesthetic & Dermatology

Plastic Surgery

Hair Restoration


For Men


Brow-Forehead Lift

Procedure Summary

Facelifts remain highly sought-after cosmetic procedures renowned for their transformative effects on the face, jawline, and neck region. As a comprehensive surgical intervention, facelifts target the skin, fat, and muscles, yielding remarkable outcomes for those seeking a rejuvenated overall appearance. These procedures cater to both men and women, employing various techniques tailored to address specific areas of concern and achieve desired aesthetic goals.

Body firming

Opting for facelift surgery may be suitable if you:

  • Seek to reduce sagging or drooping skin around the mouth, eyes, or jawline
  • Wish to alleviate a tired or aged appearance
  • Exhibit mild to moderate skin laxity
  • Are prepared for the expected downtime and temporary side effects following the procedure
  • Possess a stable weight and overall good health
  • Maintain a non-smoking lifestyle


Benefits of a Facelift Encompass:

  • A rejuvenated and more youthful appearance
  • A firmer and defined profile
  • Smoother skin texture
  • Enhanced confidence and self-esteem
  • Streamlined and more effective makeup application
  • A visage radiating happiness and vitality


Procedure & time required:

The facelift procedure is conducted by the plastic surgeon using either local or general anaesthesia, typically lasting between two to four hours. However, the duration may extend if additional cosmetic procedures, such as a neck lift, are concurrently performed.

During a facelift, the surgeon elevates a skin flap on each side of the face, surgically modifying the underlying tissues and muscles to restore a more youthful facial contour. Excess skin is then removed, and the flap is meticulously sutured closed.

Incision lines post-facelift are discreetly placed within the hairline and along the natural contours of the face, minimizing their visibility. The transformative results of a facelift become noticeable once the swelling and bruises subside.

Down time & Cost

The cost of a facelift varies, as each patient’s situation is unique. Your surgeon will create a personalized surgical plan for you, allowing for a more accurate estimation of the total procedure cost. We understand that covering the expense of cosmetic surgery in a single payment may pose challenges.

Recovery typically necessitates taking 1 to 2 weeks off from work. The duration depends on factors such as the nature of your work, your personal comfort levels, and your preference regarding returning to work before complete healing has occurred.

The Face Lift at Plaza Clinics is renowned for its ability to turn back the clock on facial aging. Expertly executed by our talented team, this treatment is popular among clients seeking to regain a more youthful, tighter facial contour. In addition to its aesthetic benefits, a Face Lift can boost confidence and provide lasting and youthful results, all within the luxurious surroundings of our clinic.