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Breast Augmentation

Procedure Summary

Breast augmentation is also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation is a widely utilized surgical intervention that involves the use of implants or fat transfers to enhance the size and contour of the breasts. This procedure is particularly beneficial in restoring lost breast volume due to factors such as weight loss or pregnancy, resulting in a more symmetrical and rounded appearance.

Breast augmentation is exclusively performed for cosmetic purposes. Our plastic surgeon will assess your eligibility for this procedure and determine the most suitable type of breast augmentation for your individual needs.

To qualify as an appropriate candidate for breast augmentation, it is essential to be in good physical health and not currently pregnant or breastfeeding. This procedure is ideal for individuals dissatisfied with the size of their breasts or those experiencing asymmetry in their breast appearance.

Body firming

How breast augmentation can benefit you?

  • Restores balance to the  symmetry of the breasts
  • Contouring the breast after a mastectomy or injury
  • Enhances the appearance of the breast

Types of implants:

Silicone Implants:

Silicone gel-filled breast implants, also known as cohesive gel silicone gel-filled implants, contain a soft and elastic gel. These implants come pre-filled and necessitate a slightly lengthier incision compared to saline-filled implants. The cohesive nature of the gel provides a natural feel and appearance, making silicone implants a popular choice for individuals seeking a fuller and more natural breast contour.

Saline Implants:

Saline-filled breast implants can be either pre-filled to a predetermined size or filled during the actual procedure. Comprising sterile salt water, these implants offer versatility in adjusting size and symmetry. Saline implants typically require a smaller incision than silicone implants, and their adjustability makes them suitable for achieving precise and customized results. This option is often favored by individuals who prioritize flexibility and want the ability to fine-tune their breast size during or after the augmentation procedure.

Procedure for Breast Augmentation:

Precautions before the surgery
1. Conduct recommended blood tests
2. Take certain medications that will be recommended by the doctor
3. Avoid taking certain medications

During the surgery:
After following the necessary preparations and administration of appropriate medications, the anesthesiologist will induce general anesthesia, ensuring that you are comfortably asleep throughout the procedure.

The surgeon will create an incision in the armpit area, strategically chosen to minimize visible scarring on the breast. The implant will then be inserted into a pocket either beneath or above the pectoralis muscle, with the specific method contingent on factors such as the implant type, desired augmentation level, and individual body characteristics.

Upon implant insertion, the surgeon will close the incision using stitches, complemented by skin adhesive and surgical tape. Over time, the incision mark, discreetly located under the arm, will gradually diminish in visibility, remaining subtly concealed.

Recovery from breast augmentation typically spans an average of six weeks, acknowledging that individual recovery periods may vary, ranging between four to eight weeks based on patient-specific factors and unique cases.

Cost of Breast Augmentation:
The cost of breast implant surgery generally falls within the range of AED 15,000 to AED 30,000. However, the specific expenses can vary based on individual cases and the unique requirements of each client.

At Plaza Clinics Dubai, our experts are proficient in understanding your requirements and suggesting the best procedure, keeping in mind your unique aesthetic needs and all the other factors relating to the breast augmentation procedure.