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Soft Tissue Grafting

Restoring Gum Health and Enhancing Your Smile

Procedure Summary

Soft Tissue Grafting, often referred to as gum grafting, is a dental procedure performed by periodontal specialists to address gum recession, correct tissue defects, and improve the overall appearance of the gums. It is a vital component of periodontal care, ensuring the long-term health of your gums. Soft Tissue Grafting offers personalized solutions tailored to your specific gum health concerns and desired aesthetic outcomes, ensuring a highly individualized approach.

Body firming

Benefits of Soft Tissue Grafting in Periodontology:

Soft Tissue Grafting provides numerous advantages, making it a crucial component of periodontal therapy:

  • Gum Health Restoration: It effectively addresses gum recession, preventing further tissue loss and enhancing gum health.
  • Aesthetic Improvement: Soft Tissue Grafting enhances the appearance of your smile by restoring the symmetry and contour of your gums.
  • Protection Against Tooth Sensitivity: The procedure helps reduce tooth sensitivity caused by exposed tooth roots.
  • Halting Progression: Addressing gum recession, it prevents further deterioration of the periodontal condition.

 The Soft Tissue Grafting Process:

The procedure starts with a comprehensive periodontal evaluation to determine the extent of gum recession and develop a customized treatment plan.

During the procedure, periodontal specialists carefully graft healthy gum tissue onto the affected areas, promoting tissue regeneration and enhancing gum health. Maintain a regular periodontal check-up to ensure the success of the grafting procedure and monitor the long-term health of your gums.

 Recovery & downtime:

The recovery phase may extend from one to two weeks, during which you may encounter some discomfort and pain in the grafted area. It is imperative, until the graft achieves full healing, that you exclusively consume soft foods, including yogurt, cooked vegetables, ice cream, and scrambled eggs.

Receding gums not only impact your smile’s beauty but also increase sensitivity and pose long-term oral risks. Soft Tissue Grafting tackles these concerns head-on, restoring aesthetics, reducing sensitivity, and protecting your teeth and bone. Our skilled team ensures exceptional care and lasting results. Schedule your consultation today and invest in a lifetime of confident smiles.