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Enhancing Your Oral Health with Precise Gum Surgery

Procedure Summary

Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure performed by skilled dental professionals to remove excess or overgrown gum tissue, providing a solution for various dental issues. Whether it’s to treat gum disease, eliminate pocket formation, or enhance the appearance of your smile, Gingivectomy is a versatile and effective treatment option.

Body firming

Why is Gingivectomy treatment done?
Gum Disease Treatment: It effectively treats gum disease by removing infected or diseased gum tissue, allowing for proper healing and tissue regeneration.

  • Pocket Reduction: Gingivectomy eliminates periodontal pockets, which can harbor harmful bacteria, helping prevent further gum problems.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: The procedure can improve the appearance of your smile by reshaping the gum line, making your teeth appear longer and more balanced.
  • Halting Progression: Gingivectomy prevents the advancement of gum disease and other oral health issues, preserving your dental well-being.

How is the Gingivectomy procedure carried out?

Understanding the Gingivectomy process is essential for those considering this dental surgery.

The procedure begins with a comprehensive dental evaluation to determine the extent of your gum health issues and develop a customized treatment plan. Following the examination, local anesthesia is administered to numb the area where the gingivectomy will be performed. This ensures that the patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure. The dentist marks the gum tissue to indicate the areas that need to be removed. This may be done using a surgical pen or laser, depending on the technique employed.

The excess gum tissue is then carefully removed using a scalpel or laser. The dentist follows the marked lines to achieve precision in tissue removal. After the excess tissue is removed, the remaining gum tissue is contoured and shaped to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. This step is crucial for cosmetic gingivectomies. Steps are taken to ensure proper hemostasis or control of bleeding. This may involve the application of a surgical dressing or the use of coagulation methods.

After the procedure is complete patients are given postoperative care instructions, which may include guidelines for oral hygiene, dietary restrictions, and the use of any prescribed medications.

Recovery and downtime:
The recovery and downtime after a gingivectomy procedure can vary depending on the extent of the surgery, the individual’s overall health, and how well they follow postoperative care instructions.
The duration of a gingivectomy procedure ranges from half an hour to an hour, contingent upon the extent of gum tissue removal needed. For cases involving only a few teeth, completion may occur in a single session, whereas more intricate procedures might necessitate multiple visits with intervals for healing between them.

Receding gums, swollen tissue, persistent gum disease – Gingivectomy tackles them all. Improve oral health, reduce sensitivity, and achieve a more pleasing smile line. Our skilled professionals at Plaza Clinics Dubai help you create lasting results, paving the way for a lifetime of confident smiles. Schedule your consultation today and take control of your oral well-being.