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Dental restorations

Building Bright Smiles

Procedure Summary

Restorative treatment for children involves a range of specialized dental procedures aimed at repairing and preserving the health of their teeth. This encompasses treatments such as dental fillings, crowns, and bonding, addressing issues like cavities, fractures, or other forms of dental damage. These restorative interventions are tailored to the unique needs of children, considering their growing dentition and developmental stages.

Body firming

Why are restorative dental procedures done for children?

Restorative treatments for children are essential to address dental conditions that compromise the integrity of their teeth. Common reasons include cavities, tooth decay, trauma, or developmental abnormalities. These interventions aim to restore proper tooth structure, prevent further damage, and promote optimal oral health in their formative years.

Types of Restorative Treatment for Children:

Dental Fillings:

  • Composite Fillings:These tooth-colored fillings are commonly used to treat cavities in primary (baby) teeth. They blend seamlessly with the natural tooth color, providing both structural support and aesthetic appeal.
  • Amalgam Fillings:While less common today, amalgam fillings, composed of a mixture of metals, may still be used in specific cases. They are durable and often recommended for restoring back teeth.

Dental Crowns:

  • Stainless Steel Crowns:These durable crowns are often used for restoring severely decayed or damaged primary teeth. They provide robust protection and can withstand the forces of chewing.
  • Zirconia Crowns:Zirconia crowns offer a more aesthetically pleasing option while maintaining durability. They are tooth-colored and suitable for visible areas of the mouth.

Dental Bonding:

  • Composite Bonding:This cosmetic restorative procedure involves the application of tooth-colored composite resin to repair minor dental imperfections, such as chips, cracks, or gaps. It is a versatile and conservative approach.

Pulpotomy and Pulpectomy:

  • Pulpotomy:A partial removal of the pulp (nerve tissue) in cases of deep cavities or trauma to preserve the vitality of the tooth.
  • Pulpectomy:The complete removal of the pulp in cases where the pulp is infected. This is often followed by the placement of a dental crown to protect the tooth.

Space Maintainers:

  • Custom-made appliances are designed to preserve the space left by a prematurely lost primary tooth. They prevent neighboring teeth from shifting and ensure proper alignment for incoming permanent teeth.

Orthodontic Appliances:

  • Palatal Expanders:Used to widen the upper jaw and create space for proper tooth alignment.
  • Space Regainers:Employed to regain space in the dental arch by gradually moving teeth into their natural positions.

At Plaza Clinics, we are dedicated to promoting proactive oral health practices for our young patients. We believe in empowering parents to take a preventive stance by opting for restorative treatments that not only address immediate dental concerns in their children but also contribute to a lifetime of healthy smiles.