Treatments & Procedure

Aesthetic & Dermatology

Plastic Surgery

Hair Restoration


For Men



Procedure Summary

The art of symmetry and curves

 Liposuction, scientifically termed lipoplasty or suction-assisted lipectomy, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to reshape and contour specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits. This procedure is particularly effective in addressing localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, providing patients with a more sculpted and refined silhouette.

Body firming

Common areas for liposuction procedure:

Liposuction is a versatile and effective procedure that can be used to target and remove excess fat from various areas of the body. Common areas where liposuction is frequently performed include:

  1. Abdomen
  2. Inner and outer thighs
  3. Hips and Flanks (Love Handles)
  4. Buttocks
  5. Arms
  6. Back
  7. Chest (in men)
  8. Neck and Chin
  9. Calves and Ankles
  10. Knees

Benefits of the Surgery

  1. Targeted Fat Reduction: Liposuction enables precise removal of stubborn fat pockets in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hips, arms, and more.
  2. Enhanced Body Contours: By sculpting and reshaping the treated areas, liposuction can improve the overall balance and proportions of the body.
  3. Improved Clothing Fit: Patients often experience a positive change in the fit of clothing, enjoying a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing wardrobe.
  4. Boosted Confidence: Achieving a more contoured physique can enhance self-esteem and contribute to a positive body image.

Procedure for Liposuction

A comprehensive discussion of your medical history, aesthetic goals, and examination of the target areas is carried out. And according to your goals, the procedure is planned. Either local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia is given to the patient based on the extent and nature of the procedure. The procedure starts with small incisions strategically made in the target areas to accommodate the insertion of a cannula.

A tumescent solution containing saline, local anesthetic, and adrenaline is infused into the targeted fat deposits to facilitate easier fat removal and minimize bleeding. A thin tube called a cannula is inserted through the incisions to suction out excess fat, in the treated areas. The surgeon then sculpts the remaining fat to create smooth, natural-looking contours. The incisions are closed with sutures, and compression garments are applied to minimize swelling and aid in the healing process.

Recovery and approximate cost:

Detailed instructions for postoperative care, including prescribed medications for pain management and reduction of swelling are provided by the Surgeo. The patients may experience some swelling and bruising, which typically subside within a few weeks. The surgeon will advice to limitations on strenuous activities temporarily to facilitate proper healing and reduce the risk of complications. Regular follow-up appointments will be advised to monitor progress, address concerns, and ensure optimal healing. Complete recovery varies but generally occurs within a few weeks, revealing the full benefits of the liposuction procedure.

At Plaza Clinics Dubai, you can now experience the artistry of body contouring in Dubai.. Our team of skilled surgeons are dedicated to ensuring your comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout every step of your liposuction in Dubai. Contact us today to schedule your personalized consultation.