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Metal Braces

Procedure Summary

Metal braces are a classic orthodontic appliance designed to correct misalignments and achieve optimal dental alignment. Comprising stainless steel brackets and wires, these braces apply gentle pressure to gradually reposition the teeth, offering an effective solution for a wide range of orthodontic issues.

 The primary objective of metal braces is to address various orthodontic concerns, including crooked teeth, overcrowding, overbites, underbites, and malocclusions. By applying consistent pressure on the teeth, metal braces facilitate controlled tooth movement, ultimately resulting in a harmonious and properly aligned smile.

 Metal braces are suitable for a wide range of orthodontic patients, including children, teenagers, and adults. Individuals with complex misalignments or specific bite issues can benefit from the precision and effectiveness of metal braces.

Body firming

Benefits of the Procedure:

  1. Versatility: Metal braces are versatile and can address a broad spectrum of orthodontic issues, making them suitable for diverse cases.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Metal braces are often a more economical option compared to some advanced orthodontic alternatives.
  3. Durability: Constructed from high-quality stainless steel, metal braces are robust and durable, providing reliable performance throughout the treatment period.

Steps of the Procedure and Approximate Cost in Dubai:

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: A thorough examination is conducted to assess the patient’s orthodontic needs and determine the suitability of metal braces.
  2. Treatment Planning: Based on the evaluation, a personalized treatment plan is crafted, outlining the duration and specifics of the orthodontic journey.
  3. Braces Placement: Metal brackets are affixed to the teeth, and archwires are threaded through them, creating the framework for controlled tooth movement.
  4. Adjustments (Regular Appointments): Periodic adjustments are made during follow-up appointments to fine-tune the pressure and advance the alignment process.
  5. Removal (Varies): Upon achieving the desired results, the metal braces are carefully removed, and the patient transitions to the retention phase.

Approx. Recovery Time:

The duration of wearing braces can range from a few months, addressing a simple misalignment or spacing concern, to up to 36 months for both metal and ceramic braces. Ceramic braces, featuring tooth-coloured brackets and archwires, offer a less conspicuous alternative to metal braces.

The adjustment period to metal braces varies from individual to individual. Discomfort and soreness are normal during the initial days and after routine adjustments. Over-the-counter pain relief and orthodontic wax can alleviate any minor irritations.

Embark on your journey to a perfectly aligned smile with metal braces at Plaza Clinics Dubai. We employ the region’s leading orthodontics to ensure you get the best treatment that you deserve. Contact us for a comprehensive consultation and personalized orthodontic solutions tailored to your unique needs.